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Why Choose A Boutique Service Provider For Offshore Staffing Services?

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As one of the leading countries in offshore business services, the Philippines is home to hundreds of big offshoring companies that help businesses find qualified staff. These companies work with businesses across different industries like finance and accounting, customer service, digital marketing, eCommerce, software development and real estate among others.

However, in choosing the right offshoring provider for your business, bigger doesn’t always mean better. As one of the many clients of your offshoring provider, how can you ensure you are getting the attention and service you need? 

Choosing a boutique offshoring provider that specialises in your particular industry can bring many advantages and this article will tell you why. 

READ MORE: How to Choose an Offshore Provider for Your Business

What are boutique services?

Boutique companies only cater to a particular niche or industry. They are usually managed by experts in that industry so their services are more specialised. Rather than focusing on generating as many clients as possible, they focus on responsiveness and bespoke solutions. This allows them to provide dedicated and high-quality services to their clients. 

The Remote Accountant (TRA) is a good example of a boutique offshoring company. We are dedicated exclusively to Australian accounting firms and businesses. We are headed and managed by Australian accountants who have first-hand experience in offshoring. 

There are many benefits to offshore staffing with a boutique firm:

Highly specialised services

Working with boutique offshoring companies means that you get access to industry experts who have the knowledge and experience to understand your needs better. This insight helps them match you with the right offshore staff. 

In TRA, for instance, our offshore staffing solutions are borne from our own knowledge in accounting, offshoring and managing an accounting practice. 

We know what it takes to manage an offshore team effectively because we have spent years doing it ourselves. Our CEO and Founder, Craig Allen, has been employing a team of accountants, administrators and marketers in his public practice for more than six years. His experience and insight allowed us to come up with a system of testing, recruiting and managing staff.

Cost Effective

Boutique companies usually have lower overheads than big companies. This means that you can get more cost savings for more specialised services. Some boutique companies also use a flexible approach when it comes to pricing so they can adjust their pricing to meet your budget.

Since most big offshoring companies cater to a wide range of clients, they tend to offer more generic and day-to-day solutions limited to IT support, payroll and human resources. With TRA, you pay a similar rate but get industry-specific solutions from experts in offshoring and accounting public practice. This ensures you get better value for money in the long run. 

Personalised working relationships

Boutique companies are only dedicated to a specific niche or market. Unlike big companies with huge clientele, they can focus on building a good working relationship with each client and – in turn– provide more personalised solutions and mentoring. 

TRA has a proven track record of working with Australian accounting firms. Unlike big offshoring firms, we treat each client far better than just a number. Through our specialised recruitment process, we make sure each team member is qualified and has the ability to thrive in an accounting firm or business environment in Australia.  

Flexible and Efficient

Boutique companies usually have a lighter workforce than big organisations. This enables them to be more responsive and adaptive to different client needs. Having an unresponsive offshore staffing company can affect the flow of your business operations

In boutique companies like TRA, your concerns don’t need to go through several departments before getting resolved. You are instantly connected with key decision-makers like the CEO or director of client experience which makes it easier to discuss developments and get things done quickly.

Boutique Offshoring Services in Australia

Offshore staffing for your business or accounting firm can be tricky but, with the right offshoring partner, can be easy and stress-free

At The Remote Accountant, we specialise in matching highly skilled staff with Australian businesses and accounting firms. We are a boutique offshoring company owned and operated by a CPA-qualified accountant who has been offshoring in his public practice for years. 

If you’re looking for an offshore provider in the Philippines dedicated to Australian accounting practices and businesses, contact us at 1300 614 110 or email