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5 Offshoring Mistakes to Avoid in Your Accounting Practice

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Offshoring has become one of the most effective solutions for meeting the demand for accountants in Australia. Not only does it provide significant cost savings to accounting firms, but it also allows them to scale their team sustainably. 

READ MORE: Offshoring: The Solution to the Skills Shortage in Australia

That said, offshoring is not an instant problem-solver. The accounting practice, the offshore staff and the offshore provider should all work together toward a successful offshoring journey. We’ve listed down some of the offshoring mistakes you should avoid in your accounting practice. 

Mistake #1: Lack of Communication

Lack of communication is the most common mistake accounting practices make in their offshoring journey. No matter how skilled or qualified your offshore team members are, adequate communication is necessary for them to function properly. 

Communicating with your offshore team entails asking them about their work progress, as well as checking their well-being. This will help you strengthen your relationship with them and identify things to improve in your business processes

Other than the usual work email, you can effectively communicate with your offshore team in various ways. Using video conferencing software and chat rooms are great ways to keep in touch with your team. Be sure to make any communication as engaging as you can. 

Mistake #2: Having a disconnect between your onshore and offshore team

Compared to outsourcing, offshoring allows you to manage your own team overseas. This means that your offshore team is an extension of your team in Australia and they should be treated as such. 

Collaboration is key to any successful business. If you want to keep your offshore staff, you need to make them feel included and a part of the team. 

Mistake #3: Neglecting to understand the Philippine culture

There are bound to be cultural differences when working with an offshore team. This can both be a blessing and a curse. If you’re not prepared to handle these differences, you may not be able to work smoothly as a unit. 

Both the client and team members should learn and understand each other’s culture. Doing so will eliminate any barrier to teamwork and make way for a fully functioning diverse team. 

Mistake #4: Not Providing career development and learning opportunities

If you want long-term offshoring success, you need to invest in your team members. Giving them sufficient training and learning opportunities allows them to grow and hone their skills. This will improve their productivity which, in turn, will be more beneficial for your accounting practice. 

Moreover, providing them with growth opportunities through seminars, webinars, reading materials and, if possible, discussion groups are great ways to increase their knowledge. These can ultimately lead to salary increases, benefits or promotions which help make the offshore staff feel valued and can motivate them to do better work. 

Mistake #5: Using the wrong offshoring partner

Choosing the right provider is a huge factor in determining offshoring success. Despite its many benefits, offshoring can be ineffective if your provider cannot meet your business’s needs and hold your hand through the process.

We at The Remote Accountant (TRA) are a boutique offshoring provider for Australian accounting firms and businesses. Our size and accounting offshoring background enable us to treat each client as more than a number– we hold their hand through the offshoring process and provide personalised solutions. 

Want to achieve offshoring success?

TRA is owned and operated by a CPA-qualified accountant, Craig Allen FCPA FIPA CA. 

Craig is an expert in the area of quality standards for accounting practices. Furthermore, his accounting practice is operated by staff in the Philippines who do administration, accounting and marketing. No other offshoring company has this unique mix of skills nor do any of their management team have these skills

Given our industry knowledge and offshoring experience, we can help you find qualified candidates and conduct practical training for your staff if required. We can also mentor you on how to successfully manage your remote team.

Get in touch with us at 1300 614 110 or email