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How to Choose an Offshore Provider for Your Business

Offshoring has become the best way for many companies to find highly skilled staff easier, scale their business faster and get long-term cost savings. 

However, choosing the right offshore provider can determine if your offshoring journey is a success. Despite its many benefits, offshoring can be ineffective if your provider cannot meet your business’s needs and hold your hand through the process.

If you have finally decided to use offshoring services, this article will help you find the best offshore partner

Select the right offshoring destination

There are dozens of well-known countries for offshore outsourcing services. Many Australian businesses opt for offshoring companies in the Philippines as it is one of the leading countries in offshore business services

Offshoring in the Philippines has many advantages. One big advantage is that the people have a  wide range of skills– offshore staff can work for industries like accounting services, customer service, digital marketing, eCommerce, software development and real estate among others. 

Moreover, the Philippines share the same time zone as Perth which is only two hours behind Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane. 

Check out their experience and specialisation

Your offshore provider must have the necessary experience and knowledge of your industry (yes, your industry). Some companies in the BPO sector cater to multiple industries while some are more niche and specialised. It’s important to take this into consideration as your provider will need to understand how to better support your business. 

The Remote Accountant, for example, specialises in helping accounting practices and businesses in Australia. Our team consists of actual Australian accountants and offshoring experts, giving us the breadth of knowledge your business needs to grow its offshore team

Look for Reviews

It’s important to choose a company that has a positive track record with its clients. The best way to find out how an offshoring provider works is through their clients’ first-hand accounts. 

You can learn a lot about a company from the clients’ experiences like their quality of service, work ethic and how they treat their clients and team members. This will give you an idea of what your day-to-day offshoring journey will look like. 

You can easily find these reviews on the company’s website, social media accounts and Google reviews. 

Ask them about their IT and security practices

Your business’s data security should be one of the top priorities when choosing an offshoring provider. This is especially true for companies in the accounting and finance industry as they hold valuable financial data.

Aside from providing the proper equipment and technology to help offshore workers conduct their jobs, your chosen offshoring partner should have stringent security practices to protect your data and give you peace of mind. 

TRA, with its back-end partner Boomering Inc, is an ISO Certified offshoring company that follows strict guidelines around data and cybersecurity. We also ensure we are fully aware and assist all clients in meeting APES GN 30, the standard applicable to outsourcing services within Australian accounting practices.

Take a look at their company culture and how they communicate

When choosing an offshore provider, make sure their company culture fits with yours. Take a look at how they communicate with you and how fast they respond to your concerns or queries. This is a very important aspect in building an offshoring relationship– many offshoring journeys fail due to a lack of communication between the clients, team members and the provider themself. 

In TRA, for example, we hold our client's hands through the offshoring process and offer them a mentoring program that teaches them how to better manage their staff.

Compare quality and price from other providers

Significant cost savings is one of the most common reasons why businesses offshore. However, it’s important to find an offshore provider that does not sacrifice quality for the price. 

Choose some of your preferred providers and weigh their pros and cons. Ask yourself which offshoring company offers a reasonable price and is able to provide you with everything you need to increase capacity and scale your business. 

Start your Offshore Journey Today

If you’re looking for an offshore provider in the Philippines that specialises in helping Australian accounting practices and businesses, get in touch with us at 1300 614 110 or email

TRA is owned and operated by a CPA-qualified accountant who is also an expert in the area of quality standards for accounting practices. Furthermore, his accounting practice is operated by staff in the Philipines that do administration, accounting and marketing.

No other offshoring company has this unique mix of skills to ensure your offshore accounting journey is a success.

Given our industry knowledge and offshoring experience, we can help you find and train staff, as well as mentor you on how to successfully manage your remote team.